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I feel inspired and hopeful just knowing that your agency exists. We need more people who are knowledgeable about circularity and sustainability to actually guide the transition - as opposed to business-as-usual experts advising new start-ups to maintain status quo through established, unsustainable business models. Thank you Shop of Good!

katia vladimirova
founder well-rounded. pHd, International research network on Sustainable Fashion Consumption


We were looking for a strategic partner who could dive deeply into our novel and complex territory, bring fresh insight and challenge our existing hypothesis. We chose Shop of Good based on their unique combination of diverse expertise and viewpoints. The experience of collaborating with them was excellent on every front. They brought clarity and focus to drive our business forward. We highly recommend!

Pauliina Valpas and Susanna Rahkamo
Co-founders, Yellow Method, Finland

We provide the support you need, when you need it.

Always through the lens of sustainable and circular business. Aligned to your stage of innovation readiness.

project work

interim placement

Advisory Services

Cost effective and bespoke project-based work when you need to get stuff done. Aligned to your business needs with clear deliverables. 

We offer our expert and efficient team members in part-time, interim roles for those times that you need support and a ‘get stuff done’ work ethic before hiring a full-time employee.

Sometimes you just need extra brainpower, fresh perspective and insight. Think of us as a compass to guide even when budget is tight. We offer advisory services and support over 3/6/9mth contracts.

How to work with us

We work in a flexible way that is aligned to your needs, goals & stage of innovation readiness. And we aim to be accessible & affordable.  






Are you looking for funding, partners, early-stage customers, or talent?


Do you need support in packaging, communicating, and marketing your innovation in a simple and compelling way?


Do you need extra support in understanding the markets, ecosystems, and mindsets of those you do business with?


Do you just need extra boots on the ground — brain power and perspective — to help fill your in-house gaps? 

let's talk

Start-up founders require a wide range of skills and expertise to ensure a successful start-up journey. we can help.

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Our mission is to help ‘planet and people loving’ innovations to reach their potential. And to do so ethically and responsibly.


Purpose driven. Global by design.

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